Social Impact Technologies
and Democracy Research Hub
Dr Suelette Dreyfus is the Executive Director of Blueprint for Free Speech, an international NGO specialising blueprints for freedom of expression laws. Blueprint has worked in Ukraine for more than 2 years to support grassroots NGOs in their development of whistleblower protections in law. These protections are important in order to expand freedom of speech and to fight corruption. Blueprint is the international partner in a coalition of civil society NGOs in Ukraine. Blueprint provides expertise and international research on the topic. The coalition stemmed from the 2011 law adopted in Ukraine “On Access to Public information”, which followed joint efforts by human rights activists, journalists and forward-looking Members of Parliament. The law embedded transparency provisions. Article 11 in the law opened the door to the possibility of protecting whistleblowers however the provision provided no detail. Suelette also holds an academic appointment at the University of Melbourne where she researches the intersection of technology privacy, cyber security and whistleblowing. Prior to entering academia and founding Blueprint, she worked as a professional journalist on the staff of a major metropolitan daily newspaper in Australia.