Social Impact Technologies
and Democracy Research Hub

Eugenia holds PhD in Sociology from the Institute of Sociology of NAS of Ukraine. Her thesis explores the cultural influence on ability of doing business in different societies. During 2.5 years Eugenia lectured in Sociology and Political Studies at National Aviation University of Ukraine. In 2014 Eugenia moved to New Zealand to extend her academic background in business studies. In 2015 she completed degree in business and gained additional qualification as sustainability/productivity advisor of business. In her further researches Eugenia try to combine her contribution in the field of sociology with business. After graduation from New Zealand Institute Eugenia began to continue teaching business studies.

Currently Eugenia is business tutor at New Zealand Institute of Studies and sits on business research committee. Eugenia has widely published in international socio-humanitarian journals and was participant of international conferences around the world. Besides academic activities Eugenia has experience in entrepreneurship.